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Toner designed several outfits, including the beautiful dresses worn by singer-songwriter and host of last year’s show, Shawnee Kish. He is most recognized locally as costume designer for the Calgary Stampede Grandstand Show, a role that he has held for the past two years. Toner has been working in fashion for several years and now works internationally on film, television and stage productions of all shapes and sizes.

'I was excited and also terrified, it's such a huge honour to represent Western Canada, and that's crazy to me, because we have some incredible designers and incredible artists here.' 'I travelled there with just sketchbooks, dreams and hopes,' Toner said. The show, hosted by Canadian drag artist and Barbada De Barbades, was filmed exclusively in Toronto. A Calgarian is among eight contestants featured on a new TV show that sees participants battle it out in a drag design competition where the winner receives a $10,000 prize.Ĭostume designer Benjamin Toner is the lone contestant from Western Canada on season one of the OUTtv series ‘ Sew Fierce,’ which debuted on April 14.

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